3 - 5 April 2024
Four Seasons Lion Palace Hotel 5*
Saint - Petersburg, Russia

In 2024, special attention of the Scientific Committee will be paid to ensuring the stability of electrical networks under the influence of lightning surges and lightning protection of electronic components used in such networks.
The conference has been held every two years since 2008, and has currently established itself as the most representative and authoritative Russian event dedicated to lightning protection issues.
In 2024, the scientific committee will be headed by Vasily Vychegzhanin, deputy Chief Engineer of Rosseti.

The following thematic blocks are planned to be discussed at the conference:
- physics of lightning and study of thunderstorm activity;
- lightning protection of power facilities;
- lightning protection means for high-voltage networks;
- lightning protection and electromagnetic compatibility of equipment of low-voltage power systems and information transmission networks.

In April 2024, spring St. Petersburg will greet the participants of the Conference. In the very center of the city, guests will meet in 5-star Four Seasons Lion Palace hotel to get a lot of information, a professional network and new contacts. As usual, Streamer will provide convenient and friendly environment for all the guests. Welcome!
Conference fees
500 USD
for a representative of an educational or scientific organization
1000 USD
for a representative of a commercial company
Conference topics
  • 1
    Session 1.
    The nature and characteristics of thunderstorms. Patterns of lightning
    orientation and the probability of structural damage.
  • 2
    Session 2.
    Regulatory base of lightning protection: discharge parameters, regulatory requirements and testing of lightning protection devices.
  • 3
    Session 3.
    Lightning protection of energy facilities and its operation experience.
  • 4
    Session 4.
    Means and devices of lightning protection: lightning arresters, protection
    devices, earthing and insulation systems.
  • 5
    Session 5.
    Lightning protection and electromagnetic compatibility of equipment of low-voltage power systems and information transmission networks.

The program will be available after March 03, 2024.

Now you can see the approximate schedule of the event.

Paper application is finished
Program is finalized
Finish of application process
All presentations are gathered
Chairman of the Scientific Committee
Vasily Vychegzhanin
Deputy Chief Engineer of Rosseti
Deputy Chairman of the Scientific Committee
Pavel Goncharov
Chief Engineer of Rosseti South

3 - 5 April 2024

Four Seasons Lion Palace Hotel 5*

We invite to join our Conference in the historical building of the 19th century palace in the center of St. Petersburg and enjoy its special aura for all times.
Apply for participation
Please fill in the form and our manager will contact you shortly
Submitting the form does not constitute confirmation of participation in the Conference. Participation is agreed upon by the Organizers and confirmed after written confirmation from the Organizers.
007 812 3270808 (ext. 141) - Оlga Shishmareva
007 921 4334972 - Kate Vasina